A Unique Service for Shoppers for Second Hand Cars

Unlike dealers, we don’t have exorbitant overheads that are typically passed on to the consumer.
What this means to you is a high-quality vehicle, at an affordable price

AutoBrokers has access to hundreds of Second Hand Cars

You decide on the specification of the vehicle and contact our experienced acquisition team. We’ll run a daily audit on the wholesalers and fleet market to find you a vehicle. With an indication of your price range, we will be sure to find a vehicle that satisfies your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Peace of Mind

Auto Brokers conduct a preliminary inspection of every used vehicle before it’s presented for your consideration. Should you decide to purchase the vehicle, a more comprehensive inspection is undertaken. And for further peace of mind, a final inspection is made before we commit to purchasing the vehicle on your behalf. All used vehicles come with a statutory warranty.

At Auto Brokers you view the vehicle before any refurbishment or repairs are undertaken. This ensures there are no hidden problems that might come back to bite you when the vehicle is out of warranty. You know the condition of the vehicle when we purchase it for you. We then prepare the vehicle for delivery on the basis of an agreed action plan. Auto Brokers find and sell vehicles worth as little as $15,000 to as much as $600,000. However that doesn’t influence the amount of time and effort we put into finding you your vehicle.

Trade - Ins

As with our buying service, we will shop around and get you the best price on your trade-in. Dealers might be competitive on the price of the vehicle you wish to purchase but can often fall short on the trade-in price of your current vehicle.

At Auto Brokers we are not obliged to buy and sell your vehicle from the same dealer. We will go where we can obtain the best price. That may be with another dealer or wholesaler, or we may have a customer on our list that is looking for just the vehicle you have to trade.

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